Workbook Includes:
Our lives get easier when we realize what our real superpowers are... and then build our businesses, careers, and lives around staying in flow state (and outsourcing the stuff we're bad at to people who are really good at it). Also, in a world where we're so used to looking at all the ways we could be better, it is powerful to remember what our deepest passions are. (And yes, I make all my private clients start with this exercise.)
- Mona John Von Freyend
A chance to reconnect with your deepest passions.
The answer to why your zone of genius might not actually feel that special to you (but really is.)
Superpower Mad Libs (because letting work be fun is kind of the point here).
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In Case We Haven't Met
I'm a best-selling author. An (actual) boss. A hustler. Builder. Permission slip giver. Feet first jumper. Jewess. Mom of two. Enneagram three. Firecracker. Seer of Thestrals. Forever a ridiculous theatre kid.
I help women and femme business owners create profitable, sustainable, enjoyable businesses.
I want you to find your special magic. Let's fucking go.
I want this!